RAW Klaasfilter | Lameda otsaga


Erinevalt tavalistest filtritest,  lameda huulikuga RAW klaasiotsad ei kleepu huultele ja sigareti saab probleemideta lõpuni suitsetada. Otsa sees on “spikes”, mis takistavad tubaka sisse tõmbamist.
RAW klaasist otsikud on trükitud maailmakuulsa logoga ning nende kogupikkus on 35mm ja on u. 6 mm lai.

Eriti praktiline on see, et need on korduvkasutatavad ja nõudepesumasinas pestavad. Soovitatav on enne klaasfiltrisse tilk nõudepesuvahendit panna ja seejärel masin sisse lülitada.


– Mõõdud: 6 x 35 mm
– valmistatud klaasist

13 laos

Tootekood: 0085 Kategooria: Silt:


The glass tips from RAW with a flat mouthpiece in contrast to conventional paper or filters do not stick to the lips and the cigarette can be smoked to the end without any problems. Inside the tip there are “spikes” that prevent tobacco from being drawn into it.
The RAW glass tips are printed with the world-famous logo and have a total length of 35mm and are approx. 6 mm wide. It is particularly practical that they are reusable and dishwasher safe. It is recommended to put a drop of dishwashing liquid in the glass tip beforehand and then turn on the machine.


– Measurements: 6 x 35 mm
– made of glass


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